The successful Christian drama, “The Chosen,” created and directed by Dallas Jenkins and distributed by Angel Studios, cleared up a misconception that the show is produced by Mormons on Facebook this week following a brewing uproar about the show’s roots and backing.
Angel Studios was co-founded by brothers Neal and Jeffrey Harmon, both whom belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (LDS), which has caused confusion for some fans of the show. Angel Studios is strictly a distribution partner for the show and doesn’t fund the show, according to Jenkins. Rather, ”The Chosen” is 100 percent funded by viewers.
“The Chosen” re-posted an image that has been circulating on social media on their Facebook page. The image depicts one of the show’s actresses and an unsourced caution: “This is not an anti-Christian show produced by Mormons. Be very careful about this show.”