Tim Tebow joined the virtual portion of the National March for Life on Friday (Jan. 29) and told the story of how doctors encouraged his mother to abort him due to medical complications during her pregnancy.
Tebow said she disregarded the doctors’ recommendation and instead decided to trust God, despite the chance the pregnancy could have taken her own life.
The pregnancy came with a lot of setbacks and heartaches, Tebow explained. When Tim’s mother finally delivered him, a doctor with 35 years of experience said, “This is the greatest miracle that I have ever seen, because I have no idea how he (Tim) survived.”
The doctor explained that the placenta, which brings nourishment to a baby in the womb, wasn’t even attached.
“I am so grateful that my mom gave me a chance at life. Because of her pro-life story, I know get to share my story, but it’s only because my mom gave me a chance.”
“I believe that every single life matters to God,” the ESPN commentator boldly said. “You know who else I believe stood and stands for life…Is our Savior Jesus. He said in John, I came to give life and life abundantly…He had a mission that was a rescue mission for us. That mission was to come down to this earth and go to the cross and defeat death and overcome the world. That was His mission. But He also had a motivation…Hebrews 12:2 tells us fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith. Who for the joy set before Him endured the cross despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”
Tebow then asked those watching, “What was His motivation?” He then pointed out that it tells us in Hebrews 12:2, “The joy set before Him….Was you! It was me! It was us being made right with His death. It was us having life abundantly and eternal life in heaven, that was the joy set before Him. He had a mission, and he accomplished it. He had a motivation, that’s why He could endure. It’s why He could despise the shame. It’s why He could go to the cross…because He loved you and me so much!
“If you are passionate about something you are going to do it anyways, even if you suffer,” he said then asked, “What are you passionate about?” Tebow exclaimed, “Jesus was passionate about you, and He was passionate about me.” Tebow went on to explain that he has given so much of his life to sports so people think he is passionate about the games he plays, “but that’s for trophies that will rust, and praise from people that are going to forget your name…does that really matter?” The multi-athletic star said, “I don’t think so.”
“Being passionate about Jesus, and being passionate about life, and passionate about people, and passionate about those that have been thrown away and neglected and forgotten…that is worthy…that is meaningful…that is real significance.”
Tebow closed his segment with the question, “Are you willing to suffer for and are you willing to suffer with?” He them adamantly explained that being pro-life means, “being pro-life in every area…for the unborn, for the hurting, for the orphan, for the thrown away, for the special needs, for the trafficked…for all of humanity.”
You can watch the National March for Life 2021 below. Tebow’s comments start at 55:45: