John MacArthur, who recently said in statement that “Christ, not Caesar, Is Head of the Church” a couple of weeks ago, and preached a sermon entitled “We Must Obey God Rather Than Man” this past Sunday released an update Saturday clearing up some misconceptions and reiterating they won’t close their doors.
MacArthur stated for 51 years they have remained faithful to the preaching and teaching of God’s Word and because fo that they have seen God’s divine providence on Grace Community Church.
This isn’t the first time that Grace Community Church as been in legal ‘trials’. The church was sued back in the 70’s and 80’s for clergy malpractice. After ten years, the Supreme Court upheld the ruling of the California’s Supreme Court and found Grace Community Church was not guilty of clergy malpractice and could continue to teach the Bible (the suit was an attempt to stop them from teaching scripture).
Pastor MacArthur cleared up mis-information that had recently circulated about the stimulus money the government handed out in the Spring in which Grace Community Church did not accept any money that was sent to them from the federal government.
Grace Community Church is adding outdoor seating starting this Sunday to accommodate around 1000 people for those whom are still concerned about being inside. MacArthur said, “we want to make people feel welcomed.” They will provide hand sanitizer, masks, and water to make people feel comfortable so they can gather to worship together.
MacArthur shared that he isn’t nervous about any of this, and that “it is an incredible opportunity. I feel like this is a time in the Kingdom for us (the church) to take a stand.” He continued saying that it is disappointing to him that few churches (leaders) are standing up and saying “we won’t bow to Caesar, we are going to serve our Lord.” MacArthur made a bold observation and claim that some leaders don’t know what a ‘church’ is, nor (know what it is to) shepherd their people because they have chosen to shut down (some) until January. “Significant leaders aren’t giving any strength and courage to the church. They’re not standing up…rising up…and calling on Christians to be the church in the world,” he lamented.
John MacArthur and Grace Community Church’s statement “Christ, not Caesar, Is Head of the Church” has had over 21 thousand signatures, with several thousand of those being pastors and churches.
Receives Letter Threatening Fines and Arrest
Franklin Graham posted on Twitter shortly after Grace Community Church posted the above announcement that read, “After Pastor @JohnMacArthur announced that his congregation at @GraceComChurch in Sun Valley, CA, would be assembling in obedience to God’s Word, he received a letter from LA county officials threatening repercussions such as fines & possible arrest.”