(Relevant) We’re only a few months into 2021, but it’s already been a busy one for people looking for the end of the world. Lil Nas X has apparently dethroned Satan, so that’s a whole thing. The government has acknowledged that it has footage of UFOs it can’t explain, of course. We don’t have enough time to get into all the internet conspiracy theories around President Joe Biden and the end times, but there are plenty of them out there. Many of them are related to vaccines, with conspiratorial Christians of all stripes — even several well-known white evangelical leaders — urging people to refuse to get vaccinated against COVID-19. But Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene is the most prominent one yet to draw comparisons between so-called “vaccine passports” and the biblical Mark of the Beast.
“Is this Biden’s Mark of the Beast,” Taylor Greene asked. “Because that is really disturbing and not good.”