(The Christian Post) Jena Powell was 24 years old when she was elected to the Ohio House of Representatives in 2018.
A native of the Buckeye state, Powell told The Christian Post that she previously wanted to pursue business until God changed her plans.
“From a young age, my passion was business. But sometimes God alters our path and leads us somewhere different. For me, that was politics at the age of 24,” Powell said.
During her first term in the Ohio House of Representatives, Powell led many landmark legislative initiatives. In 2019, she sponsored a resolution to declare pornography a public health crisis and cosponsored the Ohio heartbeat bill, which prohibits elective abortion procedures if a heartbeat is detected in an unborn baby. According to the American Pregnancy Association, a heartbeat is often detectable starting between 5 ½ weeks and 6 ½ weeks. Heartbeat bills have been seen by both sides of the political aisle as an impending threat to Roe v. Wade.