On Monday morning (July 18), Tim Keller made a rare personal appearance on Twitter to answer questions posted with the hashtag #asktk by his social media followers.
“For those who didn’t see this yesterday,” Keller posted, “while I’m not quite ready to return to social media regularly, on Monday July 18th, I’m going to do an #ASKTK for an hour at 9am. Send questions in with that hashtag #asktk. Looking forward to answering questions live with you.”
The best-selling author and the founding pastor of New York City’s Redeemer Presbyterian Church has remained off social media after experiencing side effects from a cancer treatment he was undergoing last month. In a tweet thanking everyone for their prayers, Keller’s son Michael said, “Things were scary for a bit but God was gracious, working through your prayers and the skill of the doctors, and now he is doing much better.”