(LifeSite News) The pro-life investigators of the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) released a new video Tuesday containing footage from the sworn testimony of abortion industry officials admitting that they are aware of babies having been born alive, and suggesting that they are murdered soon after.
In the new video, Advanced Bioscience Resources (ABR) procurement manager Perrin Larton, one of the figures featured in CMP’s very first undercover videos, says that “intact” fetuses are delivered after attempted abortions “once every couple months,” which is a far cry from the prevailaing abortion industry narrative that such cases are extraordinarily rare.
As to whether “intact” means a child is still alive when the procurement technician comes in to “do a dissection” for the desired tissue samples, Larton denies seeing signs of movement, but admits, “I can see hearts that are not in an intact POC [product of conception] that are beating independently.”