(ChristianNews.net) During a recent event meant to promote “ethnic reconciliation and social justice,” broadcast on Bethel.tv, “Chicago Med” actress Marlyne Barrett, along with Harvest Rock Senior Pastor Che Ahn, Harvest Evangelism’s Ed Silvoso, and Bethel Church’s Bill Johnson, engaged in a bizarre — but what they called a “prophetic”— act to end racism in the Church by reenacting the wizard Gandolf’s “thou shall not pass” scene from the movie based on Tolkien’s “Lord of the Rings.”
“We’re going to do some binding and loosening,” Ahn told those watching. “[O]ne of the things that I have learned in the last, maybe around 10 years in that apostles have authority to make decrees and declaration[s]. It’s something that God gives. I’ve seen it work in so many practical ways.”