Phyllis Pena went viral when she was caught on a police dash camera tackling a suspected peeping tom who was outside of her 15-year-old daughter’s window.
It was reported that the suspect, 19-year-old Zane Hawkings, ran after the authorities appeared on the scene. He dodged the police but couldn’t escape a mother protecting her daughter. Pena tackled the man who was looking through her daughter’s window, like a linebacker would on an football field.
“My kids are my life [and] I’m just making sure I protect them,” Pena said.
After the tackle, the mother said “The cop fist bumped me and said I heard the Texans are looking for a new linebacker.”
Christian Texas momma, Beth Moore posted the news video on Twitter saying, “Texas moms. Don’t mess with us.”
Moore wrote at the bottom of her post,
“That right there is what I call a Proverbs 31 Woman.
“A woman of valor, who can find?” Pr 31:10
That peeper found one and wished he hadn’t.”