(ChurchLeaders) Pornography website XTube has announced that it will shut down on Sept. 5, 2021. Anti-porn activists are celebrating XTube’s demise even as they double down on their efforts to take down its sister site, Pornhub, and the sites’ parent company, MindGeek, for profiting from human trafficking, child sex abuse, and other forms of exploitation.
“XTube’s announced shutdown is more evidence that MindGeek’s exploitation empire is crumbling,” said Dawn Hawkins, CEO of the National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE). “This is welcome news, given the mounting evidence that MindGeek has hosted and profited from child sex abuse material, rape, sex trafficking, nonconsensual material, sexual violence and other racist and misogynistic sexual content on its myriad of pornography websites. XTube’s closure is a clear victory for the movement to hold Pornhub, MindGeek, and the pornography industry accountable for their facilitation of sexual abuse and exploitation.”